Jamie carragher has call for the immediate ban of two players after a trending footage showed what they did against Dundee fc


Former Liverpool defender Jamie Carragher has called for the immediate banning of two Celtic players after shocking footage emerged from their recent match against Dundee FC.

The footage, which has since gone viral on social media, shows the two Celtic playersA. Trusty and C. McGregor in question engaging in reckless and dangerous challenges against Dundee players. The incidents have sparked outrage among fans and pundits alike, with many calling for swift action to be taken against the players involved.

Carragher, who now works as a pundit for Sky Sports, was quick to condemn the actions of the Celtic players, labeling their behavior as unacceptable.

Speaking on Monday Night Football, Carragher said: “I have seen the footage from the Celtic match and I have to say it is shocking. The challenges made by these two players were reckless and dangerous, and they have no place in the game of football”

“I believe that the authorities need to take swift action and ban these players immediately. It is important that we send a clear message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated even though they won with 6:0 .”

The incidents in question occurred In the first half where one of the Celtic players can be seen lunging in with a high and late challenge on a Dundee player, leaving him writhing in pain on the ground.

The second incident saw the other Celtic player involved in a similar challenge, this time catching a Dundee player with a dangerous tackle from behind. Both challenges were met with widespread condemnation from fans and pundits, who were left shocked by the recklessness of the Celtic players.

Celtic manager brendan rodgers has since come out and condemned the actions of his players, stating that their behavior was unacceptable and that they will face disciplinary action.

Chris sutton said: “Celtic Football Club should offer  sincerest apologies to Dundee FC and their fans for the unacceptable behavior displayed by two of our players during the match”

We have a responsibility to uphold the values of the game and to respect our opponents. The actions of these players have brought shame upon the club and they will face severe disciplinary action as a result.”


The Scottish Football Association (SFA) has also confirmed that they will be launching an investigation into the incidents and that they will take appropriate action against the players involved.

SFA Chief Executive said: “The incidents from the recent Celtic match are extremely concerning and have no place in the game of football. We will be conducting a thorough investigation into the matter and will take appropriate action against the players involved.

It is important that we send a clear message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated and that those responsible will face the consequences of their actions.”

As the investigation continues, fans and pundits alike will be eagerly awaiting the outcome, with many calling for the players involved to be handed lengthy bans as a deterrent to others who may consider engaging in similar reckless behavior.

In the meantime, the actions of the two Celtic players will serve as a stark reminder of the importance of upholding the values of fair play and respect within the game of football.






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